Class Schedule

T’ai Chi classes are taught year-round according to the following schedule. IRI offers in-person, remote only and hybrid classes to allow both remote and local attendance. Contact us for more information.

Class Schedule (Times are Pacific Daylight Time)

Beginning Classes Beginning Class meets Thursday evenings 6-7:30 pm and Saturday mornings 10-11:15 am at IRI Studio w/Tim
Beginning Class meets Tuesday & Thursday mornings 10 – 11:15 am at Mojo Dojo In Mill Valley
New Beginning Class starts March 20, 2025 Tuesday evenings 6-7:30 pm and Saturday mornings 10-11:15 am at IRI Studio; and Tuesday and Thursday mornings 10 to 11:15 am at Mojo Dojo in Mill Valley
Form Correction Monday and Wednesday evenings 6:00 to 7:00 pm (remote only w/Vicki)
Tuesday and Thursday mornings 10 to 11:15 am (remote and in person at Mojo Dojo in Mill Valley)
Tuesday and Thursday evenings 6 to 7 pm (remote and in person at IRI Studio)
Wednesday evenings 6 to 7:30 pm (remote and in person at IRI Studio w/Kelly)
Saturday 10 to 11 am (remote and in person at IRI Studio)
Open to all students who know the entire form
Sword Form Tuesday evenings after Form Correction (in person at IRI Studio)
Saturdays 9 to 9:45 am (remote and in person at IRI Studio)
Open to students enrolled in Form Correction who have completed the Beginning Sword Class
Push Hands Thursday evenings 7:00 - 8 pm after Form Correction and Saturday mornings 11:15 -11:45 am (in person at IRI Studio)
Open to students enrolled in Form Correction who know the entire form
San Shou Saturday 11:45 am to 12:45 pm (remote and in person at the IRI Studio)
Open to students currently enrolled in Form Correction, Push Hands and Sword

Holiday Schedule
The school is closed on the following holidays:
Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekend; Presidents Day Weekend; Easter Weekend; Memorial Day Weekend; Independence Day; Labor Day Weekend; Indigenous Peoples’ Day; Thanksgiving Weekend; Two Week Winter Break.

monthly fees
Please send payments via PayPal. If you are unable to pay the full fee, enter the amount you are able to pay.

Beginning Class: $120
Form Correction: $120
Push Hands: $40
Sword: $60
San Shou: $60
Visitor Fee Per Class: $25
Class Payment

By clicking CLASS PAYMENT, I hereby release Inner Research Institute (IRI), all instructors and all other students of IRI, for any and all liabilities for any type of injuries or loss sustained while training, studying, practicing, or in the application of T’ai Chi. I also state that I am in good physical condition and know of no reason why I cannot study and participate in T’ai Chi.